+44 (0)7960 217168
Terms and Conditions
Booking Terms and Conditions
These are our detailed booking conditions. Your booking will only be accepted on the basis that you have read and agree to these conditions.
How to book
You can call us directly on +44 (0) 7960217168 or you can use the online booking forms on our website. There is a deposit of £325 per person, (this is non refundable but can be transfered to another trip if requried), payable on booking in order to guarantee your place. You can choose to pay the deposit online at time of booking if using the website or you can arrange to pay offline by either cheque or bank transfer. We will provide the necessary details by return on receipt of your booking form. The balance of the holiday price is payable 60 days weeks prior to the commencement date of your trip. If booking within 60 days of the commencement date then the full amount is payable on booking.
If it becomes necessary for you to cancel your tour you must notify us immediately in writing (this means by letter). You can advise us by phone or email but we cannot cancel your booking without written and signed confirmation. Upon receipt by us of your written advice, cancellation will take effect. There is a sliding scale of cancellation charges as a percentage of your holiday cost as follows:
1. Cancellation more than 60 days prior: deposit is forfeit.
2. Cancellation 41-59 days prior: Forfeit 45% of holiday price.
3. Cancellation 21-40 days prior: Forfeit 60% of holiday price.
4. Cancellation 20 days or less prior: Forfeit 100% of holiday price.
Should cancellation be for reasons out of your control then we can provide a cancellation invoice upon request to support any claim to your travel insurance provider.
Cancellation by Clearwater Paddling
We will not cancel your booking unless:
1. We are forced to do so by circumstances beyond our control, such as war, civil and political unrest, or “force majeure”;
2. The minimum number of people (four) needed to operate the tour has not been reached.
In the latter case we will not cancel your tour fewer than 30 days prior to the date of departure. Under these circumstances we will offer you another tour or a full refund.
Alterations to the itinerary
Sea kayaking by its very nature is subject to the presence of wind and weather conditions appropriate to the type of trip and ability level of the group as a whole. As such trips are booked on the understanding that you accept the trip itinerary or plan as subject to change as necessary with respect to safe paddling and/or local circumstances beyond the control of Clearwater Paddling, for example severe weather conditions, an unforeseen change in the availability of our chosen accommodation and so on. By booking you accept that you must be flexible and agree to modified arrangements if necessary. No refunds will be given for unused services. Similarly there are no discounts or refunds available for joining a tour late or leaving it early.
Tour leader authority
By booking your holiday with Clearwater Paddling you agree to abide by the authority of the leader who represents Clearwater Paddling. Your safety and that of your group depends on it. At all times the authority of your tour leader will be final when concerning matters likely to endanger the health, safety, comfort or enjoyment of yourself or the group. If, in the opinion of the leader, your health or behaviour on the tour is deemed unacceptable you may be excluded from part or all of the trip. If excluded from the trip, Clearwater Paddling shall cease to have any responsibility for you and you shall have no right of refund.
You, the client are solely responsible for arranging your own travel insurance. Insurance is not mandatory however we do strongly recommend that you purchase suitable travel insurance if you have not already done so.
Joining a tour
Our responsibility does not commence until the appointed time at the designated meeting point for the tour in question. If you fail to arrive there at the appointed time, we shall not be held responsible for any additional expenses incurred by you in meeting up with the group. If the group arrival is delayed to the local joining point, the tour shall not be deemed to begin until the arrival of the group.
By booking with Clearwater Paddling you agree that you understand that the nature of sea kayaking trips involves an element of personal risk and potential danger beyond that than the more usual holiday. All participants take part at their own risk and agree to indemnify Clearwater Paddling against claims for loss or damage to personal property, personal injury or death, and any claim arising from the participants own actions.
Price guarantee
We guarantee that the price of your holiday as stated at the time of your booking will not be subjected to any surcharge.
On our trips we use twin and double bedrooms. We do expect guests travelling on their own to share twin rooms (same sex). We would need notice if this is unsuitable, and we will do our best to source a single room (single room supplement would be payable).
Kayaking is a physical activity and participants must be reasonably fit and accustomed to physical activity in order to take part in our tours. Any client with a pre-existing condition, medical or otherwise that, may affect your ability to participate in our tours must declare such conditions when booking. In some cases Clearwater Paddling may require a medical statement from a GP confirming that you are fit to participate. Clearwater Paddling reserves the right to refuse a participant who is deemed medically unfit to take part. Participants must also inform Clearwater Paddling if there is any change in medical conditions between booking and departure. Clearwater Paddling shall not be held responsible for any injury or illness incurred as a result of physical exertion for which you are unprepared.
Server ability
If any part term or provision of the contract is held to be illegal or unenforceable it should not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the contract.
If you have a complaint about any of the holiday arrangements you must bring it to the attention of the tour leader as soon as possible to enable them to take appropriate action to rectify the situation where possible. Failure to do so means we are not been given the opportunity to rectify the situation and may limit your right to compensation. If you are not satisfied with the response however and you feel that your enjoyment of the tour has been affected, you must write to Clearwater Paddling within 21 days of the completion of the holiday, and we will do our best to resolve the problem.
“ Majestic location with fantastic weather. If only all holidays could be this GOOD. SO MUCH FUN,”
Terms and Conditions
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© Clearwater Paddling Ltd 2025
Site: mikesimagination.net